Avi-Cenna International School

The British Curriculum

British education, both school and university has achieved a worldwide reputation for quality. The United Kingdom annually welcomes hundreds of thousands of students from all over the world to study in its educational institutions. The numbers studying in the British system is increasing annually. Why is this? British educational traditions have developed over decades and centuries, encouraged and monitored by the Government and led by outstanding institutions such as Universities like Oxford and Cambridge and by some of the world famous Independent Schools, like Eton, Harrow and Winchester.

Britain has known how to encourage such institutions to set the pace for others to follow, to achieve standards of academic excellence, and to be leaders. British education is renowned for concerning itself with the development of the whole personality. Learning is important, but not enough in itself.

Parents who choose a British School that follows the English National Curriculum can therefore be sure that wherever they go in the world, the standards will be comparable to the UK, where Government monitoring of the unified curriculum guarantees quality. In a world where there is a bewildering array of schools teaching in English on the “international circuit”, the guarantee offered by a well developed national system, is a source of confidence and stability in what might well be an unfamiliar environment.

The British Curriculum

British education, both school and university has achieved a worldwide reputation for quality. The United Kingdom annually welcomes hundreds of thousands of students from all over the world to study in its educational institutions. The numbers studying in the British system is increasing annually. Why is this? British educational traditions have developed over decades and centuries, encouraged and monitored by the Government and led by outstanding institutions such as Universities like Oxford and Cambridge and by some of the world famous Independent Schools, like Eton, Harrow and Winchester.

Britain has known how to encourage such institutions to set the pace for others to follow, to achieve standards of academic excellence, and to be leaders. British education is renowned for concerning itself with the development of the whole personality. Learning is important, but not enough in itself.

Parents who choose a British School that follows the English National Curriculum can therefore be sure that wherever they go in the world, the standards will be comparable to the UK, where Government monitoring of the unified curriculum guarantees quality. In a world where there is a bewildering array of schools teaching in English on the “international circuit”, the guarantee offered by a well developed national system, is a source of confidence and stability in what might well be an unfamiliar environment.

Young people need to develop their potential to explore and discover the world around them, to think for themselves and form opinions, to relate to others, to develop their bodies through sport and physical education, and to gain experience in taking responsibility.

Avi-Cenna enjoys a good reputation for high standards of academic achievement. Education in Pre-School, Primary and Secondary is based upon the English National Curriculum which has a clearly defined series of academic and other objectives at every level, known as the *Key Stages. You can access detailed information about the content of the English National Curriculum at: http://www.education.gov.u

Key Stage 1Ages 5-7Years 1 and 2
Key Stage 2Ages 7-11Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
Key Stage 3Ages 11-14Years 7, 8 and 9
Key Stage 4Ages 14-16Years 10 and 11